Hidden in Your Heart

September 7, 2022

“I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 (NLT)

I’ve heard it said, it’s one thing to know God’s will in your head but another to believe it in your heart and live it out with your hands. In many ways, we miss the joy of being followers of Jesus if we merely know about him—about his life, about his commands, about his promises—but never fully believe them and live them. Our ears are fickle; thus the saying: it went in one ear and out the other.

Do you remember having a romantic crush on someone? You see them, maybe talk briefly, but crushes come and go. Many folks had a different crush each week, or each day. Compare a crush to a couple that has been successfully married for 40 years, 50 years, or more. They have moved beyond merely sensing an attraction, to deep heart commitment. That’s something like hiding God’s word in your heart—your faith becomes your whole life. For faith to be transformative, it must move from words merely heard, to being hidden in your heart.

As a Pastor, I won’t try to force you to be a Christian or a church member. I’ll invite you to the path. But once you are on the path, part of my role is to clarify the path. To guide you closer and closer to Jesus. At Leeds First Methodist Church, I say our mission is to “make paths for more people to know and grow like Jesus.” Here are our primary paths of discipleship:

Worship - When we worship, we celebrate God’s proper place—over everything. It puts us in our proper place as people who need God’s love, grace, and guidance. This includes Biblical preaching, inspiring music and prayer, giving, and the sacraments (communion and baptism).

Grow - As we grow in faith, our knowledge and trust in God needs to grow. Bible-based teaching and interaction with others anchors our life in God’s wisdom. The right knowledge leads to right actions. Relationships with others sustain and grow faith in the highs and lows of life.

Serve - Serving puts faith into action. We serve in response to what God has done for us, and we serve God by also serving others. All followers of Jesus are gifted to serve the mission of the church. Our life is transformed as we impact the lives of others inside and outside the church.

Reach - We reach out to others to illustrate God’s love and invite them to faith and church. All followers of Jesus are part of the Great Commission to reach others with Jesus’ Good News.


Take the Whole

